1) This is the place __________ I was born a) where b) which c) who 2) I don’t like films _______ are sad. a) who b) which c) where 3) It’s my sister Jane_________ is the actress. a) where b) who c) which 4) They are the people________we met last year. a) who b) where c) which 5) Here are some tips ________can help. a) where b) which c) who 6) That’s the house______ I was born. a) where b) which c) who 7) They’re the toys _________I gave to my sister. a) which b) who c) where 8) There’s the boy ________ we were talking about. a) where b) which c) who 9) This is the book________ I need. a) which b) where c) who 10) That’s the restaurant _______ we ate last night. a) who b) where c) which

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