1) Which one is the odd one out? a) bait b) gate c) fin 2) Which one is the odd one out? a) pink b) band c) sand 3) Which one is the odd one out? a) bell b) kite c) shell 4) Which one is the odd one out? a) book b) star c) car 5) Which one is the odd one out? a) brown b) crown c) ring 6) Which one is the odd one out? a) road b) bed c) toad 7) Which one is the odd one out? a) rain b) green c) train 8) Which one is the odd one out? a) mop b) bear c) stop 9) Which one is the odd one out? a) skirt b) shirt c) chair 10) Which one is the odd one out? a) pear b) bird c) bear 11) Which one is the odd one out? a) vase b) plate c) grate 12) Which one is the odd one out? a) eel b) heel c) list 13) Which one is the odd one out? a) seat b) ball c) wheat 14) Which one is the odd one out? a) lock b) moth c) sloth 15) Which one is the odd one out? a) stream b) sink c) blink

Rhyme Odd one out


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