1) The girl's books fell on the floor. a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 2) Is that the brothers' toys outside? a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 3) Don't give my sister's necklace to anyone. a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 4) Can you see if my mom's car is outside? a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 5) Who will bring the second graders' awards to the ceremony? a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 6) I went to see Alex's play last night. a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 7) The birds' nests are high up in the tree. a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one) 8) Greg ate his friends' lunches. a) singular possessive (one) b) plural possessive (more than one)

Possessive Nouns


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