Name a place you want to go this summer, What is your favorite outdoor restaurant , What is your favorite beach to go to , Do you prefer the pool or the ocean?, What is your favorite park to go to in the summer?, What is your favorite food to eat at a summer BBQ?, What is your favorite summer celebration?, What is your favorite vacation spot?, What is your favorite dessert to eat in the summer?, What is your favorite summer activity on Long Island?, Do you prefer summer or winter?, Would you rather go outside and tan or stay inside with the air conditioning?, Would you rather go to the movies or go bowling?, Name a song that reminds you of summer?, Who do you like to spend a nice summer day with?, If you could, would you make summer all year round?, Have you ever gone fishing in the summer? Would you like to?, What is your favorite ice cream flavor?, What is something new you'd like to try over the summer?, Have you ever been to a water park?.

Summer Convo Cards



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