Are there certain weather conditions that scare people? What are they? Why do people become scared?, Are you afraid of flying?, Are you afraid of ghosts?, Are you afraid of giving a speech in public?, Are you afraid of going to the dentist?, Are you afraid of heights?, Are you afraid of scary movies?, Are you afraid of the dark?, Are you afraid of getting old? Why?, Are there any numbers that people are afraid of in your culture? Why?, Do you fear certain insects or animals? Why?, Do you like horror movies? What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?, Do you think young children should be allowed to watch horror movies?, What are some things which many people are afraid of? Why are they afraid of them?, What was the most frightening experience you've had? OPTIONAL, Do you ever have nightmares (bad dreams)? What are they about?, Have you ever seen any reality TV shows where people face their fears for money? Would you ever face one of your fears for money?, Have you overcome any of your fears?, How do you cope with your fears?, What is your biggest fear for the world?, How would you help someone to get over their fear?.

Questions for Discussion [Fear]



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