1) Which government positions were held by Hillary Clinton? a) Supreme Court Justice,  President of the United States b) U.S. Attorney General, Governor of Arkansas c) Speaker of the House of Representatives, • U.S. Senator from New York  d) Secretary of State, First Lady of the United States 2) What was the primary goal of the 2009 Affordable Care Act? a) To eliminate state medical programs b) To expand access to health insurance c) To nationalize medical care for the elderly d) To ease restrictions on healthcare providers 3) How have computer technology entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos most directly affected the twenty-first-century economy? a) More people are able to shop for goods online. b) Restaurant owners are able to open fast-food franchises overseas. c) More people are able to get hired after graduating from high school. d) Bankers are able to offer customized loans for potential home buyers. 4) Why did the United States fight in the Persian Gulf War? a) Iraq needed help resisting a communist revolution. b) Iraq supplied weapons to al-Qaeda terrorists. c) Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait. d) D Iraq financed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. 5) Why would a company invest in a time-study analysis? a) To diversify the workforce b) To improve efficiency c) To reduce the amount of goods in storage d) To improve relations with inventory suppliers 6) Title: Republican Political Plan for the 1994 Election. What did congressional Republicans call this political plan? a) The New Frontier b) The Great Society c) The Return to Normalcy d) The Contract with America 7) One reason the 2008 presidential election was historically significant is that it was the first time a) traditionally Republican states voted Democratic b) voters used computerized ballots c) an African American won the presidency d) a Southerner won the vice-presidency 8) The main reason the United States launched military operations in Afghanistan in October 2001 was to — a) prevent genocide b) seize weapons of mass destruction c) destroy an international terrorist organization d) overthrow an absolute monarchy 9) Which of the following demonstrates the diffusion of American culture? a) The establishment of multinational research centers in Antarctica b) The presence of German immigrants in the United States c) The establishment of a Saudi Arabian embassy in the United States d) The rise of baseball as a major sport in Japan 10) Which factor contributed most to the flooding in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? a) The location of the surrounding barrier islands b) The city’s low elevation c) The presence of offshore oil rigs d) The buildup of silt in the Mississippi

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