Anxiety: pt experiences unpleasant state of tension forewarning danger; can be painful and persistent, Panic Disorder : occurs as a sudden, unexpected attack of apprehension; general feeling of impending doom even with no real danger., Phobia: psychological condition where pt has symptoms of fear, palpations, choking sensations, and fear of death, Conscious Sedation : drug-induced relaxation that allows pt to tolerate unpleasant procedures; pt is conscious, cooperative and able to respond to verbal commands and tactile stimulus, What is the difference between conscious sedation and general anesthesia?: Dose of sedative, Name the different agents used for conscious sedation include: (3): Barbiturates (produces anesthesia), Benzodiazephines (antianxiety, tranquilizers, sedative), Opiate analgesic (narcotics – morphine, meperidine, and fentanyl), For conscious sedation, these two classification of meds are usually combined: Opiate analgesics & antianxiety: They may cause a synergistic effects on respiration., If respiratory arrest occurs, this medication, naloxone, can be given IV, IM, ETb., 3 common barbituates are: thiopental, methohexital, phenobarbital,

Ch. 10. Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Phobia Review


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