1) You are picked last for a game of tag. What zone are you in?  2) You have to wake up Monday morning for school. What zone are you in? 3) You are home with nothing to do. What zone are you in? 4) You can't find your homework and you need to hand it in. What zone are you in? 5) It's the last day of school before summer break. What zone are you in? 6) You drop your lunch on the floor in the cafeteria and make a mess. What zone are you in? 7) Your friend invites you to go see a movie that you really want to see. What zone are you in? 8) Your teacher says you need to write 3 sentences. What zone are you in? 9) You fell in the hallway and cut your knee. What zone are you in? 10) You raise your hand to answer a question but get it wrong. What zone are you in?  11) You are going on vacation to Disney World next week. What zone are you in? 12) You're in the middle of playing a video game and are told it's time for bed. What zone are you in? 13) You didn't do as well on the math test as you thought you did.  What zone are you in? 14) A friend said something mean to you. What zone are you in? 15) My teacher did not call on me when I raised my hand. What zone are you in? 16) Someone makes fun of you in class. What zone are you in?  17) Your friend is ignoring you. What zone are you in? 18) Your friend crumples up your drawing. What zone are you in? 19) Your classmate shares his crayons with you. What zone are you in? 20) Your birthday is next week and you are thinking about how you are going to celebrate. What zone are you in? 21) The teacher says she is proud of your work. What zone are you in? 22) You can't figure out how to solve your math homework.  23) Someone cuts in front of you when you line up. What zone are you in? 24) Your teacher says you are going to play a game. You don't like the game that you're going to play. 25) You lost your favorite toy. What zone are you in?

Zones of Regulation Situations (Fingerprint Feelings)


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