1) Tom’s walked a really long way today. He ...be tired a) must b) might c) can’t 2) I don’t know where Sam is. He ... be in his room, I guess. a) must b) can’t c) could 3) Karen goes into town every morning. It’s 10 am, so she ... be there now. a) must b) can’t c) could 4) Sarah spent all her birthday money in town yesterday, so she ... have any money left. a) must b) can’t c) could 5) Take a jacket, because it ... be chilly this evening. a) must b) can’t c) may 6) This looks like a luxury hotel. It ...be very cheap to stay there a) must b) can’t c) may 7) I’m not sure who this bag belongs to. It ... be Ryan’s, I suppose. a) must b) can’t c) could 8) I wonder if this suitcase will be OK for my holiday? The problem is, it ... be too heavy for me to carry. a) must b) can’t c) might 9) It ... be raining outside. People are walking around with their umbrellas up a) must b) can't c) might

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