SovietUnion - Ukraine used to be a member of the _____________(2 words) after WW2, Israel - This country was created for the Jewish people after WW2, Desalinization - The process of taking saltwater and turning it into fresh water, peninsula - India is the largest ________________ in the world, Himalayas - This physical feature serves as a major barrier to trade in Asia, SouthKorea - This country has an economy similar to that of Japan (2 words), Command - This is the type of economy where the government is in control, StandardofLiving - When a country has a high GDP they will also have a high__________, Australia - The largest island on earth, GreatBarrierReef - This wonder can be found off the coast of Australia, Unlimited - A Dictatorship is this type of Government, Limited - Type of government where the people hold most of the power, GobiDesert - Hot physical feature found in China that serves as a barrier to other countires, vegetarian - Because of their culture, many people in India practice a ______________ diet, Pakistan - When the British left India, they divided the land into India and ___________, CentralGovernment - In a communist government most of the power is in the ___________,

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