Contextualize language learning in meaningful content relevant to learners’ lives. Teach grammar or vocabulary points within the chosen communicative context., Provide learners with ample opportunities to repeat, recall, practice, and produce new language independently, Plan lessons with language appropriate for learners’ proficiency level: not too complex but challenging enough to engage them in meaningful learning, Expose learners to a variety of natural spoken and written English language and modify as needed, Ensure learners practice and produce the language in all skill areas—reading, writing, speaking, and listening, Develop activities that require learners to use authentic language to solve real-life problems or situations they may encounter outside the classroom, Scaffold instruction to promote learner success, Spiral instruction back on a regular basis to review previously studied language, Facilitate group/pair activities, student collaboration, and peer teaching to maximize student-to-student interaction .

MA ESOL Professional Standards (cards)



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