Plessy vs Ferguson - Supreme Court Ruled that states could segregate facilities to different races as long as they were equal, Brown vs Board of Education - Supreme Court case that banned segregation and declared separate but equal was a violation of the 14th amendment which denied equal protection, Little Rock Crisis - Governor Orval Faubus forcibly preventing African American students from entering desegregated schools, Sweat vs Painter - UT law created a separate law school however NAACP argued the school failed to qualify as equal, Hernandez vs Texas - Mexican Americans barred from sitting on an all white jury and court ruled in favor of 14th amendment, Wisconsin vs Yoder - Parents won a court case that freedom of religion won over states rights., Rosa Parks - individual that refused to give up her seat on a bus as a form of civil disobedience, Montgomery bus boycott - impact of and response to the arrest of Rosa Parks challenging segregation on public transportation, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil Rights leader that supported methods of civil disobedience and non violence; gave the I have a Dream Speech, Malcom X - Civil Rights leader that adopted more militant views to achieving civil rights, expansion of political and economic opportunities of minority citizens - The main result of sit in protests, civil rights march on Washington D.C., Freedom Rides, Civil Rights Act 1964 - prevented discrimination by employers, businesses, Voting Rights Act 1965 - ended poll taxes, literacy tests, led to an increase in minority suffrace, Chicano Mural Movement - celebration of Mexican culture and heritage through art, Cesar Chavez - migrant farm worker that started the National Farm Workers Association seeking better pay and working conditions for migrant farm workers, Dolores Huerta - cofounder of United Farm Workers and led a 5 year boycott of grapes, Rights for former slaves - What issued did the reconstruction amendments 13, 14, 15 address, increased participation by minority groups - What was a direct result of the civil rights movement, provided a judicial basis for achieving equality in other areasity - How did Brown vs Board of Education decision influence the civil rights mvovement, inspiring women in the 60s to question their traditional social roles - How did Betty Friedan's book Feminine Mystique affect the lives of every day Americans,


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