Art- drawing - I hand shape on Dominant, B on non-Dominant and draw S with dominant hand, Graphic design - graph + art or art initialized with "GD", Painting - vertical B on non-dominant and bush non-dominant with a B hand shape with your dominant, Painter - paint + person, Paint brush - paint + CL F on both hands and make horizontal line, Color palette - color + 2 CL 5's spreading out., Photo - vertical B on non-dominant, hand shape c touch cheek to hand , Photographer - camera + person, Camera - bent g's over both eyes , Composition - B hand shapes like patting a wall (4 pats), Pottery - B hand shapes and outline working on a throwing wheel , Sculpting - vertical B on non-dominant and A on dominant chipping away at other hand , Animation - vertical B on non-dominant with I on dominant hand up and down (3 times) , Muse - like a wiggle fingered C near side of head , Small painting - vertical B on non-dominant and bush non-dominant with a U hand shape with your dominant,

Asl art


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