What are you doing with my diary? Give it ____ immediatelyl I know that there's very little hope left but we won't give ____. Well, don't get up, children, wait till I give ____ your notebooks. When she grew up, Kate gave ____ all her children's books and toys. I can't multiply seventeen by twenty-three in my mind, I give ____. Who will help me to give ____ these books, please? People believe that this unusual man gave ____ all his money to the poor. I'm so sorry John has given ____ music, he has a talent for playing the piano. I gave ____all my plants to my neighbours. When can you give ____ the money that you borrowed? This is my letter. Give it ____ please. I gave ____ trying to understand John's new ideas. Give the book ____ to me when you've finished with it. I think I'll give this old furniture ____, it's worthless. In a few years I'm planning to give ____ my collection of stamps.

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