they/play tennis/at the weekends, you/listen to music/in the evenings, I/go swimming/on Mondays, she/ride a bike/to work/every day, they/go skiing/in the winter, your friends/go fishing/every weekend, he/ read comics /in his free time, my mother/go shopping/in  my mother/go shopping/in the afternoons, we/ cook/every day, she/do yoga/in her free time, you/surf the internet/every evening, my cousin/play the drums, I/ take the dog for a walk/on weekdays, Andrew/fly his model plane/after school, your father/fix things/at the weekends, my uncle/like gardening, you/watch DVDs/on Fridays, they/ go to a fast food restaurant/on Tuesdays, she/take photos/in her free time, I/ always (relax)/ after school.

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