1) When we die and are resurrected only…………...will benefit us after death a) Money b) Degrees c) Wasting our time in nonsense d) To believe in Allah only and do good deeds e) Games and XBox f) Jokes and comic magazines 2) Hajj resembles  a) The resurrection of the Day of judgment  b) Games c) Matches d) Any crowd e) Shopping season  f) Having fun 3) One of the ultimate goals of Hajj is  a) To submit and obey Allah only b) Traveling c) Shopping d) Having fun e) Visiting other countries  f) Entertainment  4) One of the ultimate goals of Hajj is to a) Magnifying Allah and Islam b) Having fun c) To see other countries d) To travel with airplanes e) For entertainment f) For shopping 5) During Hajj ..……….is a good deed and a way to worship Allah a) To sacrifice a sheep, goat or a camel  b) Playing chess c) Playing soccer d) Watching movies e) Having fun f) Sleeping

Virtues and Lessons of Hajj,Quiz3


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