1) Developing conversations page 9: ask your partner the six questions about jobs. 2) Grammar page 11: say four appointments or arrangements you have this week using different verbs in the present continuous. 3) Understanding Vocabulary page 11: your partner reads out the words in the box in Exercise 10. Say one collocation for each word. 4) Vocabulary page 12: say eight verbs + nouns to describe activities at work. 5) Vocabulary page 14: say eight words from Exercises 1 and 2 to describe clothes. 6) Grammar page 17: your partner reads out the sentences in Exercise 8. Ask a past simple question about what they did. 7) Developing conversations page 17: give four different compliments to your partner and ask a question after each one. 8) Grammar page 21: your partner reads out the first sentences in 1–7 Exercise 9. You ask Have you got … + a comparative. 9) Vocabulary page 26: say ten of the places in town in the box Exercise 1 10) Developing conversations page 27: give your partner directions to the nearest shop or café to your school. 11) Developing conversations page 29: give four different reasons for being late for your class, using the past continuous. 12) Vocabulary page 30: say ten of the words in bold in Exercise 1 and what kind of transport they’re connected to. 13) Grammar page 35: ask your partner six different Have you ever…? questions. 14) Vocabulary page 36: say twelve of the words in Exercise 2 that you use to describe food. 15) Grammar page 37: say six questions you’d ask in a restaurant. Use would, could and shall twice each. 16) Grammar page 38: your partner will say a thing from Exercise 6. Say a sentence to complain about it using too or not … enough.

Outcomes Pre-intermediate – Game 1


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