tell a joke - tell someone a short, funny story, say sorry - to apologise to someone, at night - after sunset, by mistake - to do something without meaning to, on your own - without other people, near - preposition: close to another thing, crash - an accident when a car hits something, mystery - a confusing and unusual story, adventure film - a film about an exciting or dangerous experience, between - preposition: in the middle of two things, eye witness - the person who saw an accident, by chance - without planning, opposite - preposition: directly across from another thing, destroy - damage something so badly it doesn’t exist anymore, tell a white lie - say something untrue so you don’t hurt someone’s feelings, raise the alarm - tell people about a dangerous situation, on purpose - planned, in a moment - in a very short period of time, earthquake - when the ground shakes dangerously, in the end - finally,

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