For the Birds: Small birds are sitting on a telephone wire., A large bird wants to join them, but the small birds make fun of him., The large bird sits with them anyway, causing the telelphone wire to drop down., The large bird slips off the wire and just hangs by its toes., The little birds peck at his toes to make the big bird let go., When he finally does, the wire shoots the small birds into the air., When they land, they've lost all their feathers., Dia De Lost Muertos: A young girl visits her mother's grave and is sad., She sees a flower on the grave, which drags her into the land of the dead., She is pursued by a female skeleton who frightens the girl., Eventually, the girl realized the skeleton is nice and they end up playing and dancing., The girl realizes the skeleton is the spirit of her mother., They embrace, and the girl finds herself back at the grave., The girl leaves feeling happier., Canned: A young man spray paints a picture of a woman on an alley wall., He starts running when he hears the sounds of a police car., The graffiti image of the woman comes to life and runs with him., Together they try to escape the police., The police car crashes into the wall, trapping the graffiti woman., Instead of running away, the man spray paints something next to her on the wall, and ends up getting arrested., The image was of himself, which also comes to life, and the graffiti people are happy., Rose: A young woman starts her first day of college, and when her mother calls she doesn't answer.., She is alone in her dormitory, and is feeling lonely and sad., She remembers all the times her mother used a quilt to comfort her when she was younger., Eventually, she remembers getting older and not wanting the quilt., When she opens a box to unpack at the dorm, she finds out her mother packed the quilt., Seeing the quilt makes her realize she is not alone., She calls her mother and feels happy.,

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