1) how old someone or something is a) age b) ankle c) armchair 2) the bottom part of the leg above the foot a) ankle b) bandage c) moneybox 3) a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms a) skyscraper b) armchair c) password 4) a long piece of soft cloth that you tie around an injured part of the body a) chapter b) bandage c) note 5) the start a) setting b) inventor c) beginning 6) a part of a book a) event b) note c) chapter 7) the child of your aunt or uncle a) cousin b) maid c) grandad 8) the action of getting away from something a) study b) escape c) history 9) something that happens a) surprise b) history c) event 10) to say thoughts, feelings and ideas a) ring b) express c) promise 11) very good, exciting a) great b) ordinary c) poor 12) events that happened in the past a) setting b) history c) password 13) a person who has ideas for new things and makes them a) maid b) grandad c) inventor 14) one of a group a) kind b) password c) chapter 15) a woman servant who looks after the house a) maid b) inventor c) cousin 16) to express an idea in words or pictures a) mean b) ring c) shook 17) a box for keeping money in a) lunchbox b) toybox c) moneybox 18) making a lot of noise a) proudly b) noisily c) loudly 19) paper money a) moneybox b) coin c) note 20) not special in any way a) poor b) ordinary c) same 21) a special word that lets you go in somewhere a) crossword b) keyword c) password 22) having very little money a) ordinary b) same c) poor 23) to say you will do something a) promise b) express c) mean 24) in a proud way, feeling pleased with yourself a) noisily b) proudly c) loudly 25) to make the sound of a bell a) ring b) save c) study 26) matching, not different a) same b) great c) ordinary 27) to keep a) shake b) study c) save 28) a group of words that express a complete idea a) password b) sentence 29) the place where the story happens a) setting b) skyscraper c) surprise 30) to make quick, short movements from side to side or up and down a) shake b) widen c) ring 31) a very tall building a) house b) skyscraper c) building 32) to use money, to pay for things a) spend b) widen c) shook 33) a room for reading and writing activities a) kitchen b) bedroom c) study 34) an event that you don't expect a) event b) surprise c) history 35) to happen a) take place b) take part 36) to become wider a) wide b) wider c) widen

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