Melanin - The cuticle is colourless, so the colour we see when we look at the hair is the colour within the cortex showing through the cuticle. Hair has varying amounts of pigment, which give the hair colour depth and tone, and makes each person’s hair colour unique to them, What is melanin - The hair’s natural colour pigment, melanin, is found in the cortex. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin., Eumelanin - These pigments are cooler-toned, made up predominantly of blue and green tones. They are responsible for black and brown hair. Eumelanin molecules are larger than pheomelanin molecules., Phoemelanin - These pigments are warmer-toned, made up predominantly of yellow, orange and red tones. They are responsible for yellow and red hair. Pheomelanin molecules are smaller than eumelanin molecules, making it harder for them to be removed from the hair., How does melanin, effect the choice of colour? - You must consider the natural distribution of melanin when deciding on an artificial colour for your client. If the hair has a lot of pheomelanin and the client wishes to go for a darker, cooler tone, you will need to go to your colour star and use a tone that will neutralise the warmth.,

Colour Pigments in our hair.


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