1) Explain the similarities and differences between dogs and cats. Choose the best topic sentence. a) The similarities and differences between cats and dogs. b) There are many similarities and differences between cats and dogs.  c) Cats meow, but dogs bark. 2) How does the photograph on page 2 help the reader? Choose the best topic sentence. a) The photograph on page 2 help the reader. b) It shows a map. c) The photograph on page 2 helps the reader in many ways.  3) Explain how the character changes their point of view in the story.  Choose the best topic sentence.  a) The character changes their point of view in the story. b) The character in the story changes their point of view from being scared of rollercoasters to loving rollercoasters.  c) They are scared and then happy. 4) Explain how the events in the story are connected. Choose the best topic sentence. a) The events in the story are connected by cause and effect. b) It is cause and effect.  c) The events in the story are connected.

Choose your topic sentence!



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