My dad and I ____ to go ____ to see if we could ____ in the woods. I asked if I could ____ a friend to come, and he said, "Yes." ____ we left, dad gave us some ____. He said once we arrive at the ____, we can expect many surprises. Besides not having ____ TV, I did not know what he was talking about.My dad asked my friend and I to ____ what we saw. We told him that we saw ____, dirt, trees, tents, and a squirrel. "Look again!" said Dad. "A ____ we shouted. We saw a big snake in the corner of the campsite. I do not want that at my ____ said my friend. My dad called the camp hosts and asked them to ____ us with a new campsite. It is ____ snakes to bother people. As long as you realize that reptiles can be anywhere, we will give you a new place to camp. We combined all of our stuff into a golf cart and moved campsites. It ____ up being a great trip, and all of us ____. We can't wait to go again!

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