She's a doctor, ____ she? Yesterday was so much fun, ____ it? He isn't here, ____ he? The trains are never on time, ____ they? Nobody has called me, ____ they? I don't need to finish this today, ____ I? James is working on that, ____ he? Your parents have retired, ____ they? The phone didn't ring, ____ it? It was raining that day, ____ it? Your mum hadn't met him before, ____ she? Jenni eats cheese, ____ she? I said that already, ____ I? The bus stop's over there, ____ it? None of those customers were happy, ____ they? They could hear me, ____ they? You won't tell anyone, ____ you? I'm never on time, ____ I? I'm going to get an email with the details, ____ I? She is going to travel to New York next week, ____ she?

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