1) Add "-ed" to cry a) cryed b) cried c) cryied 2) Add "-ing" to hope a) hooping b) hopping c) hoping 3) Add "-er" to big a) biggier b) bigger c) biger 4) Add "est" to funny a) funniest b) funnest c) funnyest 5) And "-ing" to shop a) shopinng b) shopping c) shooping 6) And "-ed" to please a) pleaseed b) pleasd c) pleased 7) And "-ing" to move a) moving b) mooving c) moveing 8) Add "-er" to easy a) easyer b) easier c) easyier 9) And "ing" to drag a) dragging b) draging c) draginng 10) And "-ed" to empty a) emptied b) emptyed c) emptyied

Cocoliso - Word Analysis



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