How long can you hold the position? Start with 1-3 seconds. Make sure you do it on each leg., Hold this position 5 seconds. Now switch arms and hold again for 5 seconds., Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat with the other arm up., Can you hold for 1 second? For 3 seconds? For 5 seconds? Repeat on the other leg., Position your body just like the picture and hold 5 seconds. , Hold 5 seconds. Remember to bend your leg/knee., Hold for 5 seconds keeping your arms stiff., See if you can obtain this position. Try the other leg, too., Try to hold with one toe on the ground for 5 seconds. Switch to the other leg and hold for 5., Position your body like this. Hold for 10 and repeat on other leg., Practice alternating between these 2 positions for 10 repetitions., Practice alternating between these 2 positions for 10 repetitions., Practice alternating between these 2 positions for 10 repetitions., Practice alternating between these 2 positions for 10 repetitions. Keep arms stiff..

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