1) In soccer, the ball cannot touch your... a) Toes b) Head c) Hands 2) How many bases are on a baseball field? a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 3) The Olympics are held every... a) 4 years b) 8 years c) 3 years 4) What sport is the Stanley Cup awarded in? a) Field Hockey b) Lacrosse c) Ice Hockey 5) How many basketball players are on the court per team? a) Six b) Seven c) Five 6) Which sport uses the lightest ball? a) Baseball b) Tennis c) Ping Pong 7) NBA stands for National Basketball Alliance... a) True b) False 8) The end-zone is where you make touchdowns in football... a) True b) False 9) Lebron James is a famous ______ player. a) Golf b) Rugby c) Basketball 10) You can play me in the sand and you need a net. What sport am I? a) Tennis b) Volleyball c) Golf 11) Which of these sports does not use a ball? a) Golf b) Hockey c) Rugby 12) Which sport plays in the World Cup? a) Soccer b) Tennis c) Basketball 13) What is it called when you knock down all of the pins in bowling? a) Spare b) Bullseye c) Strike 14) How many holes are there on a standard golf course? a) 5 b) 18 c) 16 15) Where was the last Olympic games held? a) Japan b) Australia  c) South Korea

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