1) Is Calico cat a Breed? a) Not Breed b) Yes It is a Breed c) There is no such thing as a calico cat 2) Who is Sussa a) There is No Sussa b) My cat c) IDK 3) What Do Cats do a) Eat b) Sleep c) Plays d) Drink e) Everything except for Bark f) Bark 4) what is this breed a) Tonkinese b) Siamese c) Himalayan d) Balinese e) Persian f) Idk 5) True Or False This Cat Breed Does Not Meow a) True b) False 6) What Action is This Cat doing a) Meowing b) Hissing c) Purring d) Barking 7) What Cat Breed is This? a) Idk b) Sphynx c) Abyssinian 8) True Or False It acts like dogs a) False b) True 9) True Or False Cats can jump from 32 Story Building a) True b) False 10) Is this a Sphynx a) YES! b) NO! 11) what is this a) Calico b) WireHair c) Both 12) Is this cat worth 20,000$ a) Yes b) No 13) what is this breed a) Persian b) Other 14) What Breed is this a) MunchKin b) Tabby 15) what is this breed a) Korat b) chartreux 16) is this a siamese a) No b) Yes 17) is this worth 125,000$ a) yes b) no 18) could cats eat bread a) yes b) no 19) what is 9x8 a) 72 b) idk c) 21 d) 19 e) 31 f) 12 20) is this a true story a) nonfiction b) fiction c) realistic fiction 21) Мысықтар иттердің ағуын басқарады a) idk b) cat are the best and dogs drool c) cats rule dogs drool 22) a kutyák a legrosszabbak a) a meow is the best b) dogs are the worst 23) kast er te bost a) what the heck b) what c) cats are the worst d) none e) cats are the boss 24) 1 ÷ 9!14 = a) 1.4565236E-78 b) -1000000000 c) 1.2u2882331232-81 25) 3120 a) Cat b) Mat c) TAT d) BATT e) wet f) het 26) 2%563= a) 11.26 b) 10.57 c) 5.21 d) 63.50 e) 11.25 f) 11.27 27) what is the mistake 1,2,4,5,,6 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 e) 6 f) 4 28) Is this true Cats Hate water a) Depends b) False c) True 29) who is this a) Beluga b) Hecker c) cat d) Ollie the polite cat 30) who is this a) Big floppa b) Hecker c) Caracal d) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 31) who is this a) serval b) bengal c) Sogga d) savanah 32) who is this a) tabby b) Nala c) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 33) who is this a) snowshoe b) Grumpy Cat c) Siamese 34) who is this a) Félicette b) Catpusic c) IDK 35) do you like cats a) No cats suck b) Yes cats are the best 36) I am fluffy i have whiskers and i hate dogs what am i a) cat b) dog c) fish d) turtle e) hamster f) mouse 37) how old is My cat a) 9 b) 8 c) 10 d) 5 e) 6 f) 7 38) Cats say meow a) Yes b) NO 39) dogs drool a) YAS b) NO 40) WHAT THE HECK IS THIS a) SL1D3 b) AHHHHHH c) SLIDE d) OTTER RUN :) e) BLUE TOMET SILDE 41) WHO'S SUSSA ඞ a) SHE IS SUS b) SHE Cat c) SHE ඞ d) wTH (what the heck) THATS TO SUS 42) Canta Claus came to town choose one present (these are terrible presents) and every answer is correct exept 1 a) pug b) get rickrolled c) Broken Shovel d) frug e) I hate all of this f) Cat Pee 43) WHat slide iS tHiS a) Cat Slide b) LITTERLY FOetoeShup c) THIS IS SANNOOYING ME SOO MUCCH 44) _(!)@*&*^&%!^#&*(!)^&@#!%^#%^@%&^#@!^%&^&%#@%^#%@&%^& a) &*(@*(&#@&*(&*@&*&* b) 121212123 c) 122233

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