Low Voltage/Voltage Drop - This may cause equipment not to function properly and in some cases fail all together, Component/Equipment malfunction failure - Due to many possible causes, this may fail, or an individual component within this, Operation of overload or fault current devices  - If too many pieces of equipment are connected to an otherwise healthy circuit this may cause these devices to operate, Arcing - If a connection is loose it may not break entirely but instead produce this. This can result in excessive voltage drop or a fire., High Resistance- Loose connection - Could cause serious voltage drop and excessive heat , Transient Voltages - Lightning Strike - Can cause severe damage to the installation and components. Even the wiring itself could be burned out. , Excessive Current - Overload   - Possibly caused by the consumer connecting too much equipment to the circuit, or a machine being subjected to excessive mechanical loading, Insulation Failure - Deterioration - Can cause current to leak either to adjoining conductors or earth. Can cause localised heat and eventually overcurrent, Mechanical Damage - An example being struck by a forklift truck , Short Circuit - When there is a direct connection between live conductors (Live-earth/Live-Neutral/Live-Live), Earth Fault - A high fault current flowing, Open Circuit - The circuit is broken in some way and no current will flow , Signal Fault - When something is controlled by another piece of equipment such as a PLC and it doesn't do its job,

Fault Types


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