Progressive Era - Time period aimed to fix the problems caused by the Gilded Age., Muckrakers - Writers of the Progressive Era who exposed abuses in government and industry, Upton Sinclair - Wrote "The Jungle" which exposed meat packing industry, The Pure Food and Drug Act - This law, passed in response to Sinclair's "The Jungle", was enacted to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs. It also ensured truth in labeling., 17th Amendment - Amendment that allows voters in each state to elect their senators directly, Theodore Roosevelt - Trust Buster, Conservationist, President, Suffrage - Right to Vote, Recall - voters can remove an elected official from office, Inititative - citizens can propose/create a law to be placed on a ballot, Referendum - gives voters the chance to approve or disapprove proposed laws or amendments at the state level, 16th Amendment - Amendment for Income Tax, Booker T. Washington - Believed the way to get equality was through vocational training, W.E.B. DuBois - Demanded immediate social and economic equality for African Americans; founder of NAACP, Jane Addams - Created the hull house and helped assimilate immigrants, 19th Amendment - Amendment that gave women the right to vote, Susan B. Anthony - led the women's suffrage movement, Jacob Riis - photographed immigrants living in tenements. , Ida B. Wells - led the anti-lynching campaign , 18th Amendment - Amendment that banned alcohol AKA Prohibition,

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