Carmen was so tired that the ____ wind failed to keep her awake. He suffered very severe ____ with long term effects. In England ____ weather is not uncommon. I caught a ____ on my hand. It looked beautiful. It was the first ____. Woke up to a slightly ____ morning - hope we will actually be able to see the site. Thursday, August 12th. The day was very ____ - it rained heavily almost constantly. Malcolm's voice was like a ____ of thunder, startling everyone at the table. It was August, ____ and hot, and we were on a trip from Iowa to Wyoming. She stopped when she saw the first ray of ____. She was unfriendly and as cold as ____ when I tried to talk to her earlier. The bad news came to us on a cold ____ night. A ____ made conditions dangerous and the red flag was shown to the drivers. On that ____ day, however, she was wearing sky blue dress which was too light for that weather. The ____ clouds in the sky were telling us that we should finish our picnic early today and just home. It began to ____ and I got scared. Weather forecasters said today would be ____ throughout the morning.

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