Introduction: As far as I know..., As far as I'm concerned..., As is known..., As a matter of fact..., To my way of thinking..., To start/to begin with..., To my mind/in opinion..., The way I see it..., Main body (Agreement with the opinion): I completely agree with..., I fully support..., I have no doubt that..., By this I mean..., Evidently that..., To be more exact..., Firstly..., Frankly speaking..., In preference to..., Summary: On the whole..., To crown it all..., In conclusion..., To summarise it..., Finally..., In addition to..., In other words..., Main body (Disagreement with the opinion): I completely disagree with..., I strongly disagree..., However..., It should be better..., I strongly disapprove of the suggestion that..., I strongly disbelieve that..., I'm totally against...,



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