1) What is the word limit for Writing Part 2? a) 130-180 b) 150-200 c) 140-190 d) 160-210 2) Phrasal verbs, collocations and idioms are considered... a) formal language b) informal language c) semi-formal d) semi-informal 3) In an article, you are writing for... a) your professor b) a newspaper or magazine c) your mum d) your friends 4) How many topics is it recommended that you talk about in each paragraph? a) 2 or 3 b) as many as you want c) 1, you numpty! d) let's make only one big paragraph, shall we? 5) Which of these should you include in an article? a) an argument b) informal vocabulary c) personal opinions and experiences d) rhetorical questions 6) Which of these is a good option to use in an article? a) Can you imagine...? b) You have to admit that c) I would recommend d) Personally,... 7) Which is the best title for an article? a) What I think should be done about zombies b) An experts guide to killing zombies - by a zombie hunter! c) Zombies, past and present d) Article: Zombies 8) Which tenses are you going to include in your article? a) past simple / continuous / perfect b) present simple / continuous c) passive voice d) a little bit of the three 9) What type of vocabulary are you going to use in your article? a) simple vocabulary b) incredibly colourful/strong adjectives c) neutral words d) words for descriptions 10) Which part of the paragraph tells you about the content of each paragraph? a) all of it b) some of it c) none of it d) the first sentence 11) Which of these are you going to include in your article? a) humour b) rhetorical questions c) strong opinions and examples d) a good range of vocabulary 12) Which is correct? a) Definitely b) Definetly c) Definately d) Definitly

FCE - Writing 2 - Articles



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