1) During the Middle Ages, who had more power: a serf or a lord? a) A serf had more power. b) A lord had more power. c) They had an equal amount of power. d) Neither serfs nor lords had any power in the Middle Ages. 2) Which statement provides the best evidence for the corect answer to Part 1? a) "Usually, high-ranking nobles swore their loyalty to the king and lords swore their loyalty to higher-ranking nobles." b) "Freemen were not under the same strict control of the lord." c) "When serfs wanted to marry, the lord had the right to approve or disapprove of the match." d) "Serfs grew the food and tended to the livestock, or animals that fed the people." 3) Serfs generally worked on the land from sunrise until sunset. a) manor b) medieval town 4) Many smaller houses made of wood and wood surrounded a castle or larger house. a) manor b) medieval town 5) On market day, one could hear cries of people selling fruits, vegetables, eggs, and pies. a) manor b) medieval town 6) Using a simple tool called a scythe, serfs harvested crops such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley. a) manor b) medieval town 7) A class of people called the middle class began to grow in importance. a) manor b) medieval town 8) Which of the following was NOT a part of the life of a monk during the Middle Ages? a) They controlled the lives of serfs working on a manor. b) They often copied writings from ancient Greeks and Romans to create new books to preserve this knowledge. c) They vowed to dedicate their lives to God. d) They spent a large part of each day in worship and prayer. 9) Why did the Battle of Hastings take place? a) It was one of the crusades to the Holy Land. b) It was the battle between King John and the nobles because of Magna Carta. c) It was the battle between the Church and King Henry II d) It was the battle to determine who would be the king of England-Harold or William. 10) Which of the following statements about Magna Carta is NOT true? a) Magna Carta limited the king's power. b) Magna Carta is considered one of the most important documents in English history. c) King John happily accepted Magna Carta from the nobles. d) Many of the ideas from Magna Carta appear in the constitutions of modern democracies. 11) Which of the following events from the Middle Ages was one of the reasons feudalism began to disappear? a) the Hundred Years' War b) the invention of the printing press c) the spread of the Black Plague d) the growth of towns and cities 12) Which of the following statements from the text provides the best support for the correct answer to Part A of this question? a) "This terrible disease created a sense of terror." b) "The ability to produce books, pamphlets, and newspapers helped to spread new knowledge and new ideas." c) "[The Hundred Years' War] began when one man claimed to be the true king of another land." d) "As more and more people moved from the countryside to seek employment elsewhere, the lord's role changed." 13) What is the name of the system of government in which land and protection are exchanged for loyalty and services? a) fiefdom b) medieval c) feudalism d) chivalry 14) Chivalry refers to a) the relationship of a serf to the lord b) a group of merchants who controlled the quality of goods sold, as well as wages and prices c) the type of armor worn by knights in jousting matches d) the code of rules about how knights should behave 15) Cathedrals, pilgrimages, and illuminated manuscripts are all examples of a) tithes b) the influence and power of nobles in the Middle Ages c) the influence and power of the Church in the Middle Ages d) the influence and power of craftsmen in the Middle Ages 16) Mark the one statement that is not true about the Black Death in the Middle Ages. a) It was spread by rats. b) It was a disease known as the plague. c) It was common in medieval towns due to overcrowding and filthy living conditions. d) It killed very few people even though many became sick. 17) The word emerged is used correctly in which two of the following sentences? a) The beautiful butterfly emerged from the cocoon. b) The diver emerged into the water to collect the shiny object at the bottom of the pool. c) We emerged into the building to try to escape the sudden rainstorm. d) The sun emerged from behind the clouds, providing a warm, sunny day. e) As the weather got warmer, the snow emerged. f) The loud clap of thunder frightened Julian's dog, and he emerged under the sofa for protection. 18) Which of the words in the following sentence provides the best clues as to the meaning of the word pilgrim? "Thomas Becket's tomb in Canterbury Cathedral became a holy shrine that many pilgrims visited during the Middle Ages." a) Thomas Becket's womb b) Canterbury Cathedral c) holy shrine d) visited during the Middle Ages.

Middle Ages Mid Unit Content Assessment Review



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