1) Which are sweeter? a) lemons b) oranges 2) Who is younger? a) Madonna b) Billy Eilish 3) Who is happier? a) the girl b) the boy 4) Which is stronger? a) Cappuccino b) Latte 5) Which are smaller? a) bacteria b) viruses 6) Which is slower? a) a plane b) a train 7) Who is richer? a) Elon Musk b) Bill Gates 8) Which is quieter? a) country life  b) big city life 9) Which is older? a) Saint-Petersburg b) Moscow 10) Which is heavier? a) water b) ice 11) Which is healthier? a) a salad b) a burger 12) Which is easier? a) English b) Russian 13) Which is better? a) to have more time b) to have more money c) (^-^) 14) Which is better? a) to speak English b) to speak Chinese c) (^-^) 15) Which is worse? a) no internet b) no shopping c) (^-^) 16) Which is worse? a) to lose your keys b) to lose your phone c) (^-^) 17) Which is worse? a) when it`s too hot b) when it`s too cold c) (^-^) 18) Which is worse? a) to be extremely busy b) to be bored c) (^-^) 19) Which are worse? a) nosy neighbours b) noisy neighbours c) (^-^) 20) Which is better? a) good news first b) bad news first c) (^-^)

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