How do you watch movies at home? Do you use: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Apple TV, YouTube…others? Do you have cable television?, Do you have a good movie that you would recommend? Tell us about it., What does it mean when we talk about a "cliffhanger" -- in movies, TV shows, books, etc.? How do you USE this term?, What does it mean if a movie is "star-studded?", Do you usually watch movies or shows on your actual TV...or on your phone or tablet?, Can you think of any famous actors (or musicians) that support important causes or give back to the community?, Do you have a favorite book or a book that you would recommend to others? (Even if you read it in your native language?), Is music a big part of your life? Talk about a musical artist or musical group that you like. , WHEN do you usually listen to music (while doing what kinds of activities, at what time or times of the day, etc.)?, If you are NOT a person who watches much television, what things do you like to do in your free time?, How often do you watch films in English? When you watch a movie or TV in English, do you put on closed captioning or subtitles?, What does it mean when we talk about a cover in relation to a song?, Is there a good TV show or series that you would recommend?, In your view, why is it important to read to children when they are young?, When you read for pleasure (either in English or your native language), what kinds of books do you enjoy reading?, What kinds of movies or films do you like to watch? What is your favorite genre?, What does it mean when we talk about a plot twist? Explain., What does it mean if a movie is "a flop?" Explain., What does the word venue mean? What are some good venues in San Diego for live music?, Why do we sometimes see the term "spoiler alert!" when scrolling through articles on our phones?, Do you ever listen to (/read) audiobooks? Do you listen to any podcasts? Explain. , If a famous book has been made into a film, do you prefer to read the book first or watch the film first? Explain., Do you ever watch animated films? Why or why not? / Have you ever seen these Pixar animated films: Wall-E, Coco, Up, Inside Out, Brave? , Do you prefer traditional paper books or books on a tablet or phone? What are the advantages/benefits of each?.

Books, Movies, TV, and Music



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