Pair up and build the tallest tower., Build a creation using one color (Monochromatic)., Build a Marble Maze., Build an new animal that is a combination of two different animals., You ran out of food, build something so that you don't starve., Create and build a new invention and describe its purpose., Build a 3D character that looks exactly like you right now (shirt color, pants, shoes...)., Pirates want to steal stuff. Build something to scare them off., You have no power design a creation to harvest power., There is a thief on your island build a trap to catch them., Build a robot to do a chore for you., Build a 2D mosaic, A hurricane is coming. Build a STRONG shelter with a roof!, Build a habitat for an animal, fairy, gnome, superhero or insect., Build a person, place or creature that is completely from your imagination., Build something SO silly, it will make someone in club laugh., Build a symmetrical structure with 2 equal sides., Build a playground., Build a cake or cupcake., Build a Mythical creature., Build something using one cup of bricks. All of the bricks, no more, no less., Build a replica of your bedroom., Build an item for or representing the upcoming holiday,.

Lego Masters Club (Grades 3-5)



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