1) What is the nth term here? 5,8,11,14... a) 2n+3 b) 32n c) 3n+2 d) 3n+5 e) I don't know 2) Calculate the area a) 84cm b) 84cm³ c) 87cm² d) 84cm² e) I don't know 3) What is 4x⅛+(68x9) a) 611 b) 613½ c) 612½ d) 614 e) I don't know 4) Are you cheating? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe... 5) Are you sure? a) Yes b) No 6) Ok then, what is: 9⁷⁸log 9? a) 2.573798217⁷³ b) 2.573798218⁷⁴ c) 3.573789281⁷⁸ d) 1.998322676⁸⁰ e) I don't know 7) Did you get that correct? a) Yes b) No 8) If yes, you cheated. a) Next question b) Uno reverse card 9) What is: 387724824384x475458457455745? a) 1.327764772346⁷⁵ b) 8.5485748575587⁶ c) 1.843467901²⁶ d) 2.97534579⁵⁷ 10) If you got full marks, you cheated. a) Ok b) I don't care c) I am so scared that I could be caught cheating!!!

I bet you can't get 100% without cheating!!!


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