Hi Tony, How are you ____ It’s lovely to have ____ from you. I’m glad to know that you are finally moving into your brand new ____. I know you have been waiting a long time for this. And thanks for the invitation, of course we’d like to come. Anyway, I’m pleased to hear you have finally decided to visit the north of Spain, as I ____ you. You’re going to love it! It ____ be a good idea if you rent a holiday apartment and a car; ____ you much more freedom to explore the region at your own pace and convenience. You’ll see that the apartments are quite inexpensive. I’ll send you the details of the house we stayed in when we were there; it was nice and cozy. Another ____ is to choose the places you would like to visit beforehand. ____ you will not waste time planning when you are in Spain. You should visit the main mountain and beach towns. I’ll make you a list of the places we went to. And as for restaurants it's easy. ____ check which places have four or five stars on TripAdvisor? The food is always delicious! Well, I ____. I____ to visiting you next year. It’ll be great to meet again. Give my ____ to Susan. Cheers, Tom



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