Canities - Technical term for gray hair, Amino Acids - Units that are joined together end-to-end like pop beads by strong chemical peptide bonds to form a polypeptide chain that comprise proteins, Dermal papilla - Small, cone-shaped elevation located at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb, Tinea - Technical term for ringworm, Cysteine - An amino acid with a sulfur atom(s) that joins together two peptide strands, Carbuncle - inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci, Cortex - Middle layer of hair, Sebaceous glands - The oil glands, Polypeptide chain - A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, Medulla - Innermost layer of the hair that is composed of round cells, Anagen Phase - Another name for growth phase, Trichoptilosis - Technical term for spilt ends, Whorl - Hair that forms in a circular pattern on the crown of the head, Hair Follicle - The tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair roots, Hair Density - The number of individual hair strands on one square inch of scalp, Hair elasticity - Ability of the hair to stretch & return to its original length without breaking, Hair Bulb - lowest part of the hair strand, Side Bonds - Bonds that cross-link the polypeptide chains together & are responsible for the extreme strength and elasticity or human hair , Salt Bonds - A weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains, Lanthionine Bonds - The bonds created when disulfide bonds are broken by hydroxide chemical hair relaxers after the relaxer is rinsed from the hair, Hair Cuticle - Outermost layer of hair, Eumelanin - Black to dark brown hair color, Pheomelanin - Red and Ginger to yellow and blonde tones (haircolor), Hair Cortex - thickest layer of the hair shaft and contains most of the hairs pigment, giving the hair its color, Arrector pili muscle - The small, involuntary muscle in the base of the hair follicle,

#5 Properties of Hair and Scalp



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