Fungicidal - Capable of destroying fungi, Chelating Soaps - Break down stubborn films and residue from pedi products "Chelating detergents", Sterilization - Process that completely destroys all microbial life, even spores., Staphylococci - Pus-forming bacteria that grow in clusters like a bunch of grapes, Batericidal - Capable of destroying bacteria, Asymptomatic - Showing no symptoms or signs of infection, Standard Precautions - Precautions like personal protective equipment and assuming all body fluids are potential sources of infection, Parasitic Disease - Diseases caused by parasites, Allergy - Reaction due to extreme sensitivity , Fungi - Single-celled organisms that grow in irregular masses that include molds, mildews, and yeast, Tuberculocidal Disinfectants - Disinfectants that kill bacteria that cause tuberculosis, Acquired Immunity - Immunity that the body develops, Virucidal - Capable of destroying viruses, Infectious Disease - Disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body, Human Papilloma Virus - (HPV); a virus that causes warts and cervical cancer in women, Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus - (MRSA) ; a type of infectious bacteria that is highly resistant to conventional treatments due to incorrect doses or choice of antibiotics, Tuberculosis - A disease caused by bacteria that are transmitted through coughing or sneezing, Microbacterium fortuitum - A microscopic germ that normally exists in tap water in small numbers, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds - "Quats"; are products made of quaternary ammonium cations and are designed for disinfection on nonporous surfaces, Natural Immunity - Immunity that is partly developed and partly inherted, Contagious Disease - Also known as communicable disease; disease that is spread from one person to another person, Folliculitis Barbae - Tinea barbae or barber's itch; inflammation of the hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hairs, Human Immunodeficiency Virus - (HIV); virus that causes AIDS, Tinea Capitis - A fungal infection of the scalp characterized by red papules, or spots at the opening of the hair follicles, Sodium Hypochlorite - Common household bleach, Bacterial Spore - Bacteria capable of producing a protective layer that allows them to with stand very harsh environments, Cocci - The type of bacteria that rarely shows any active motility is know as, Porous - Has pores or openings, Bloodborne Pathogens - Disease-causing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids (ex: hepatitis and HIV), Local Infection - An infection that is confined to a particular part of the body,

# 2 Chapter 5 Infection Control: Principles and Practices Pt. 1



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