1) 1.What are some of your triggers & what do you do when faced with them? 2) 2. How do you gain courage to set healthy boundaries? 3) 3.What’s your biggest challenge with reaching out? 4) 4. How did you come to find your “higher power”? 5) 5. How did you gain the strength to forgive yourself? 6) 6. What resentments do you feel you need to let go of? 7) 7. What’s the most important thing you’ve gained from Narcotics Anonymous? 8) 8. Why is the N.A. Literature important to your recovery? 9) 9. In what ways had your higher power helped you? 10) 10. How do you stay humble when facing difficult situations? 11) 11. In what ways do you keep a conscious contact with your higher power? 12) 12. In what ways do you cope/work through temptations & urges to use? 13) 13. Do you feel you are honest with yourself? Why? 14) 14. Why is step work important to you? 15) 15. Why is step work important to you? 16) 16. What was the hardest thing you’ve overcome since your first N.A. Meeting? 17) 17. What spiritual principal have you been applying in your life the most recently? 18) 18. What makes you feel confident in your recovery? 19) 19. Why is it important to be a part of service? 20) 20. Describe a time in your recovery when you had a spiritual awakening. 21) How do you demonstrate Honest, Open~mindedness, & Willingess in your recovery? 22) What do you feel holds you back from furthering your recovery? 23) What can you gain if you let go of fear? 24) 24How do you quiet that “inner addict” when it tries to tell you things? 25) 25 In what ways do you practice meditation in your recovery? 26) 26 Do you feel confident on accepting life on life’s terms? 27) 27 What behaviors have you been able to change since come to N.A.? 28) 28 How has recovery changed your relationships with others? 29) 29 How have you changed people, places & things to better your recovery? 30) 30 How has your life changed since coming to N.A.?

2021~Random Recovery Questions TWT


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