1) Kylie woke up feeling itchy and hot. There were little red spots all over her body. "No school for you," said mom. Why isn't Kylie going to school? a) she overslept b) it's Saturday c) she has chickenpox 2) Julie put on her sweater and went outside. The sun was shining, but the grass was still wet from the recent rain. Julie stopped to look at the bright, red tulips, which were just starting to bloom. Which season is it? a) spring b) summer c) autumn 3) Trevor stood very still. He had never been so close to a deer before. Then he heard loud footsteps and his brother calling his name. The deer bolted into the woods. Why did the deer bolt? a) it was afraid of Trevor b) it heard a gunshot c) it was startled by Trevor's brother 4) Miles could see the ball coming towards him. He backed up a few steps, put his glove on and caught it!  Everyone started cheering! His teammates ran to the outfield and carried him back on their shoulders. What game was Miles playing? a) baseball b) football c) soccer 5) Kyle looked around in the dim light. Everything was covered in dust. It took awhile, but he finally found the box labeled "photos." He carried the box downstairs to his grandma, who was waiting in the kitchen. Where was Kyle? a) in the basement b) in the attic c) in the garage 6) Don got a new airplane. It was red and blue. He played with it all day. That night, Don played with his airplane in bed. You can tell that: a) Don liked his airplane b) Don painted his airplane 7) There was very little food in the house. Mother got into her car and went away. When she came back, Mother had three bags of food in the car. You can tell that:  a) Mother went to the store b) Mother got a new car 8) Tom went to a show. When he got home, Tom told his friend all about it. The next day, Tom's friends went to see the show. They like it too. You can tell that: a) Tom did not like the show b) Tom liked the show 9) All the children had fun at Ann's house. They played games and had cake to eat. Then father gave Ann a surprise. It was a new bike. You can tell that: a) There was a party at Ann's house b) All the children got new bikes 10) Betty and Mary ran down the street. They ran all the way to school. Both of the girls ran fast, but Betty got to school first. You can tell that:  a) Mary ran faster than Mary b) Betty ran faster than Mary 11) "Looked at the funny goats," said Bill. Then he saw a big pig, some ducks, and a horse. Bill liked coming to see the animals. You can tell that: a) Bill read a book about animals b) Bill was at a farm

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