1) What do people do to celebrate New Year in your country? 2) When is New Year in your country – is it different from Scotland? 3) Are any special foods eaten at the New Year in your country? 4) Is it customary in your country to 'turn over a new leaf' every year? 5) Do you reflect back on the year at the end of December or just move on? 6) How are you going to ring in this New Year? 7) Are you going to make up for lost time next year? 8) Have you made any New Year's resolutions? Will you 'turn over a new leaf'? 9) What new things have you learned this year? 10) What do you plan to do in 2023? 11) What will you be doing this time next year? 12) Was there anything which you spent money on last year which you now regret? 13) Was there anything you bought last year that changed your life for the better? 14) Do you have any holiday plans for the coming year? 15) Are you going to buy anything in the sales? If so, what?

New Year 2022 - 2023


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