baby - Their ___ is only two weeks old, so he spends most of his time sleeping., pre-teen - One of the most important events for a ___ is starting secondary school., in her late forties - I'm not sure how old Anna is, I'd say she's ___, but I'm sure she isn't 50 yet., teenagers - ___ can be frustrating: they're often rebellious and they take little notice of their parents., in his mid-thirties - Paul is ___; he'd like to settle down before he's 40., toddlers - ___ can make you really tired: they've just learned to walk, and they often have tantrums., in her early twenties - Laura has been at university for two or three years now, so she must be ___., retired - My grandparents are in their late sixties and they're both ___., children - Their son is so naughty that they've decided not to have any more ___.,


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