1) What is more exciting? a) snorkelling b) bungee jumping c) mountain cycling d) snowboarding 2) What is more difficult? a) English b) Chinese 3) What is more delicious? a) pizza b) pasta 4) What is healthier? a) Italian food b) Japanese food 5) What is better? a) winter b) summer c) autumn d) spring 6) What is worse? a) rain b) snowstorm 7) What is more beautiful? a) the sea b) the mountains 8) What is more comfortable? a) an apartement b) a house 9) What is easier? a) English b) Maths c) History 10) What is more interesting? a) b) c) d) 11) What is more expensive? a) a yacht b) a jet 12) What is more dangerous? a) b)

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