头发 tóufa - hair, 嘴巴 zuǐbā - mouth, 膝盖 xīgài - knee, 肚子 dùzi - belly, 身体 shēntǐ - body, 头 tóu - head, 眼睛 yǎnjīng - eyes, 背 bèi - back, 耳朵 ěrduō - ear, 肩膀 jiānbǎng - shoulder, 腿 tuǐ - leg, 鼻子 bízi - nose, 脚 jiǎo - feet, 手 shǒu - hand, 脖子 bózi - neck, 手指 shǒuzhǐ - finger, 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ - toe, 牙齿 yáchí - tooth, 胸口 xiōngkǒu - chest, 肌肉 jīròu - muscles, 骨头 gǔtou - bones, 脸 liǎn - face, 手臂 shǒubì - arm,

Parts of the Body - Chinese to English


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