What area of English do you think you've made progress in? (speaking, grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening, etc.), Albert Einstein once said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." What is your reaction?, Do you make your bed every morning after you get up?, How do you feel when you have to make a phone call in English?, When is the last time you made plans to meet a friend or do something with a friend?, Is it hard for you to make a choice or make a decision? Are you a decisive or indecisive person?, Do you make coffee every morning? (or tea? or a smoothie, etc.?), What/who makes you smile?, What is something that makes you upset or annoyed?, Is it difficult for you to make changes in your life? Are you a creature of habit?, Mother Teresa said: "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." What is your reaction?, Talk about the chores / errands you do each week. , Who cooks in your house? Who does the dishes?, AGREE or DISAGREE? Sometimes it's good to just do nothing (=be a little lazy...for a day, a couple of hours, an hour, etc.), A famous author once said: "Integrity is doing the right thing--even when no one is watching." Your reaction?, What is your favorite kind of exercise to do?, (Hypothetical): What would you do IF...you suddenly received a huge sum (amount) of money?, (Hypothetical): What would you do IF...you saw a lost dog while taking a walk in your neighborhood?, (Hypothetical): What would you do IF...you had an extra hour each day?, What is your favorite dish to make?.

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