blackmailer - someone who tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets, bribery - dishonestly giving money to someone to persuade them to do something to help you, fraudster - someone who has committed the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods, hijacking - the use of violence or threats to take control of a plane, mugging - an attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place, smuggle - to take something or someone illegally from one country to another, stalker - someone who follows and watches another person over a period of time in a way that is very annoying or threatening, theft - the crime of stealing, vandalize - to damage or destroy things deliberately, especially public property, charged - The murderer was then ________ with kidnapping., acquitted - given a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime, sentence - a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime, verdict - an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened, proof - facts, information, documents etc that prove something is true, witness - someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened, innocent - not guilty, jury - a group of often 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not, investigation - an official attempt to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem, deny - to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something, trial - a legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime,


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