pioneer - An early settler of an area, nationalism - Pride in one’s country, transcontinental - across the country/continent, annex - to add to, innovation - a new method, idea, product, cession - Something that is given up, such as land., entrepreneur - A person who sets up and runs a business, technology - The use of scientific knowledge and tools to make or do something, immigrant - A person who comes into the country to make a new life., industry - All the businesses that make one kind of product or offer one kind of service., interchangeable parts - Parts that can be made exactly alike by machines., agriculture - The science of growing crops and raising livestock., mass production - When large amounts of goods can be made at one time., manufacture - To make goods from raw materials., free enterprise - An economic system in which people are able to start and run their own business, cultivation - growing and farming production, rural - out in the country,

Industrial Revolution Vocabulary


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